Witchcraft: A History In Thirteen Trials

 By Marion Gibson

Adult Non-Fiction

Reviewed by Britany from the Winkler Branch


I loved reading this one. If you're into the history of the witchcraft trials across Europe, Africa and present day North America, I highly recommend this read, however, it is a vivid one, so trigger warning. You will learn about how political, and religious leaders stigmatized this craft negatively, and how they still do to this day, through racism, sexism and religionism and just HOW DEEP those beliefs still run. You'll learn how disproportionally these accusations were thrown at certain groups of people and what they did to those "convicted" of witchcraft. It's interesting how much culture was stolen from many spiritual groups, like the Indigenous or the Pagans. Did you know that wishing on a candle on your birthday cake came from the Pagans? 

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