Monday, June 24, 2024

Style for Everybody

 By Kim Appelt

Adult Non-Fiction

Reviewed by Tracy

    After losing a fair bit of weight, I am having to learn how to dress for my body shape.  In this book, Kim Appelt teaches you what the classic body types are, what different trends are (dressy, edgy, boho, etc.). She also talks about what looks good on what shape for different occasions.

    Appelt also talks about how to store your clothing, what should be hung or folded, how to organize your closet effectively, and covers what kind of accessories you should choose.

    I would recommend this book to anyone who needs help with any of the above topics.

    Copies available in Morden and Winkler.

To place this book on hold, click here.

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Road Years: A Memoir, Continued

By: Rick Mercer

Adult Non-Fiction

    In this memoir, Rick Mercer talks about many of the stories he experienced during his time working on The Rick Mercer Report TV show.  He met many people as he traveled across Canada, and this book tells the stories of these interesting people.

    This is a good book and really held my interest. I rate it 9 out of 10.

 To place this book on hold, click here.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Goodbye: A Story of Suicide

 By Hailee Joy Lamberth

Young Adult Non-Fiction

    Trigger Warning: This is a Young Adult graphic novel about suicide.

    Hailee Joy Lamberth was a girl that was constantly bullied in school.  She chose not to tell her parents for various reasons and even though her school was made aware of the situation, they chose to ignore it.  Ultimately, Hailee chose to end her own life.  While her story is devastating and emotionally hard to read, it is important.  Her parents decided that they needed to share her story and tell other kids not to give up.

    I found this graphic novel heartbreaking. Not just for Hailee, but for her parents and her brother.  I recommend that teens, preteens, parents and anyone that works in a school read Goodbye.  Hailee's parents point out that something could have been done if they had been made aware.  Where was the school administration? Why did they not act? These are definitely questions that need an answer.  I have personally witnessed acts of bullying.  Sometimes it was addressed well and immediately; sometimes it was not.

    In this graphic novel, the author points out that things need to change.  Since Hailee's death, "Hailee's Law" was passed in Nevada, US. This law states that all acts of bullying must be reported to the victim's families as well as the bullies families.  If the families are not made aware, a teacher or a school could lose their license or even be prosecuted.

    "Live and love; forgive and forge on; shine and outshine; say hello to life, not goodbye."

            -Hailee Joy Lambeth

To place this book on hold, click here.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Appalachian Song

 By Michelle Shocklee

Adult Inspirational Fiction

Reviewed by Dorothy

    This was a new author to me, but I will definitely be reading more of her books!

    Appalachian Song is a historical inspirational novel set in the Great Smoky Mountain region of East Tennessee.  The story goes back and forth between some pivotal characters, and encompasses the pre-war period up to the current day.  The book delves into the world of adoption, both from the parent side and from the adoptee side.

    Songbird is a young unmarried girl who is pregnant.  Her father tries to kill her, so she runs away and finds herself being cared for by a country midwife and her sisters.  Years later, a popular singer finds out that he was adopted. While reeling with the news, he searches out his history.  Bringing in a few other supporting characters, this is a book that drew me in, leaving me wanting to remain in the story as long as possible.

To place this book on hold, click here.

Rockton Series Books 1 and 2

  City of the Lost By Kelly Armstrong Rockton Book 1 Adult Fiction, Thriller Reviewed by Michelle from the Altona Branch     Casey Duncan, d...